What to expect from your therapy process

The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction not a destination.

The first session is your personal assessment. We focus on your history and I help you to develop an insight into your behaviour patterns in your sexual-life history and how these limiting patterns affect your present situation. We also establish your expected outcome, what would you like to achieve, based on your chosen purpose of your therapeutic work.

My psychosexual therapy is open ended, and you decide when you feel ready to end it. 

How can Integrative Psychosexual Therapy help you achieve your goal that we establish together in your assessment session?


In Psychosexual Therapy I use a combination of psychotherapeutic and embodiment techniques, to facilitate the release of restrictive and uncomfortable memories and body experiences. My intention is to help you to be free of shame, to reclaim your power and to teach you skills and tools you can use to manage your life and feel confident and comfortable about who you are.


Breath Techniques to help you to connect with yourself – most people struggling in life, especially sex and intimacy are partly dissociated from their body. Breathing is one of the keys to reconnecting with your body, to developing embodied presence and to generating sexual energy. I help you to learn and use different breath-work techniques to cultivate, move and direct awareness and the feeling of sexual energy, creating connections in the body.

Mindfulness experience that can help you to increase your awareness is another step towards empowerment.  Integrative Psychosexual therapy applies somatic mindfulness and erotic mindfulness to help increase your awareness of limiting beliefs and how they manifest in the body. When we are connected with our thoughts, feelings and physical sensations we can remain present in intimacy and not enter dissociated states or familiar patterns of avoidant behavior. Mindfulness also contributes to creating a positive neurological state.

Neuro Regulation which is an important skill to learn allowing the down-regulation of the autonomic nervous system.  Through this we can work safely with trauma and help to create new neural pathways. You learn how to manage feelings  and emotions that may scare you (anger, grief, shame…)  It will give you tools to help you handle feelings of anxiety, or when you’re experiencing any limiting body reactions.

Embodiment Techniques focus on your awareness of the felt experience in the moment. By helping you becoming aware of physical sensations and any associated emotional responses we can begin to integrate body and mind into a more cohesive whole which creates a stronger sense of selfhood and helps you to move on.