Online intervention therapy

Our world is changing rapidly at the moment, it would be hard not to worry about what it all means for yourself, and for those you love. Also time of beint isolated brings challenge as well being now relationship.  

Through my training with Somatic therapy and Trauma Thearpy, I have learn how to help my clients to down regulate feelings of anxiety, sensations of freeze and working with worries. The intention in my therapy is to help you to manage your worry and anxiety in these uncertain times and give you tools and support to feel better and find balance as well to get help with sexual life and relationships.

Worry isn’t just in our heads. When it becomes excessive we feel it as anxiety in our bodies too. Physical symptoms of worry and anxiety include:

  • Anxiety and disturbing thoughts 
  • Muscle tension or aches and pains.
  • Restlessness and an inability to relax
  • Difficulty concentrating.
  • Difficulty sleeping.
  • Feeling easily fatigued

Maybe you know any of these.

It is normal to feel stressed when situation become novel and new, so we don’t have any experience to fall back on and it is also unpredictable, unclear how things will turn out. Most important is not to panic or give in. We all can do a lot