First time to Psychosexual Therapy

  You might feel uncertain about going to therapy, it is quite normal, you may feel nervous and resistant. You don’t need to worry, you will get support and help. First of all I help you to orient in a non-judgmental place. Often there is lots of shame when it comes to sexual issues and that is normal, that is why you come to my therapy to get help and feel better. 


We will have to go through a bit of paperwork as in the first session we assess and agree on our contract, you can see it here already. Also the first session is mainly to establish what you expect and why you are coming and what is your goal for your therapy process. 

I will ask you to do some exercise or task in between our sessions, it is an invitation to observe and explore how you feel with the task in your everyday life, it can be helpful for your therapy process and we can process it during your therapy time to bring more awareness and understanding about yourself. 

It is important you know, all that you say and share in your therapy with me is confidential and all data is kept safe, your boundaries are fully respected so if you will not feel comfortable at any moment, we stop there. You don’t have to be afraid to be exposed.

If you have any questions please contact me on my phone or email