What I offer

The good life is a process, not a state of being. It is a direction not a destination.

Carl Rogers

Through my career I have specialised in sex and trauma counselling and psychotherapy to help individuals and couples find understanding and resolution to both sexual and relational issues often cause by trauma or lack of understanding and lack of constructive communication.

Our mind and body have the ability to transform and heal. This has been my main motivation for my studies and my psychotherapy work. It is never too late to enjoy more pleasure and joy in life, especially when it comes to sex, love and relationships.

Most therapy is focused on symptom reduction as the main therapy process. But I am working in a therapy room with my clients to help them not only understand “I think I am” but also to connect to their feelings and body reactions “I feel I am”. Bring more power to their life by starting to take more actions and make decisions that feels right for them, own their needs and desires and be able to express it and act on it and then the symptoms, the issues and problems they come with, reduces and transforms.

I use the conscious sexuality model, offering a trauma-informed approach to enable my clients to explore and expand their sexual self and strive towards a more contented sex life and better relationships.

In my Psychosexual therapy sessions I help you to understand your patterns of behaviour, survival strategies and beliefs, because understanding brings back your power and sense of self. In my Relationship therapy it is crucial to explore together how much our past is still present in your life now and especially how much energy and space is it taking in your relationships. All the fears, frustrations, triggers, avoidance.. all what stops you to have a contained, fulfilling and present connection. It is a process so please be aware it takes time and energy.

Sex and relationship therapy can last just a few sessions if the problem is very specific or purely physical, or it can be longer-term for more complex issues.

My psychosexual therapy is open ended, and you decide when you feel ready to end it.

I offer a range of daytime and evening appointments, Monday to Saturday. I tend to see clients on a weekly or fortnightly basis, however, we can discuss your specific requirements when we first meet.

More informations and prices here.