How I Work
How you show up in sex, reflects how you show up in the life
I believe for effective therapy process in Psychosexual therapy it is important to bring awareness of the body experience and sensation. It can include Mindfulness, Breathing techniques, Psychodrama.
I hold safe and non-judgmental space for my clients to let them bring their uncomfortable experience and believe systems they got from family, society during their life that stop them from happy sex life, all these obstacles that create frustrationa and tension. I help them to transform these experience. Often what we have been told in childhood became our truth. My intention in your therapy process is to help you to feel your own truth, especially about your sexuality, your body and sex. Your truth about what you feel, what you need and how you express it.
Ask yourself, how good are you to feel, express and communicate your needs, boundaries and desires, especially in your relationships?
We don’t learn any of these skills at school and if we are not lucky to be taught by our parents, it makes life much more difficult and more desperate. I am helping people to be able to understand their patterns of behaviour, beliefs, survival strategies and sensations in the body so they can express themselves safely. Satisfying sexual life comes from a happy relaxed body and peaceful mind.