Online Group Integrative Psychosexual Therapy

Invitation to meet and integrate your sexuality in 10 days Online program

In my Psychosexual Somatics Therapy work I’m passionate about Sexual Integrity, Embodiment and Sexual Expression. I am inviting you to join an online group working with this integrative therapy approach. It will offer guidance and support to heal the sexual part of yourself and wake up more energy in your body. You will gain a greater understanding of who you are and how you feel in your body, in your relationships, in your life. Learning tools and skills to get more connected to yourself and your sexuality and hopefully learn more about being playful and 

What are you signing for:

The online group Psychosexual Program takes 1 month and we meet online on Zoom as group eah Sunday at 5pm.

For each online group meeting, I will lead and offer you one topic with bit of teaching and group sharing. But I will also listen to your individual interest adn topic you would like to bring.  After each online meeting, I will invite you to undertake your personal explorations through tasks (exercises) for each week.  You will  receivs invitaitons to follow, so that you can document your journey and also more than welcome to write your Journal.

Cost to join is £60 per person \ £40 for people who are strungling with income, I trust everyody to choose due to the situation

 The group is limited to 6 people and to sign in: you need to pay before the Online Program starts (dates comes individualy) and also sign the contract ( you can see here Contract Group PST Online) I sent you it anyhow imediately after you fill up the form in the end of this text.  

Each of us comes with our own story and each of us carries gifts for the world through the experiences we’ve lived through. That is the power of Group Therapy and I feel privileged to lead this group work and hold a safe contained space with support for the individual and group processes that we’ll experience. You can contact me individually at any time if you need support. 

Who is this Program for?

You may have a history of trauma, abuse, loneliness, addiction or despair when it comes to relationships. Perhaps everything has been “fine” and you’re simply longing for more, or you’re already on the path of personal sexual empowerment!

  • You are someone who has an interest in moving towards a healthier sexual environment and more fulfilling relationships, like to explore and learn more about yourself.
  • You are ready to share with others and bring yourself into a safe group space, are intersted to create together and be curious about life. 
  • You are ready to explore yourself in short exercises and tasks I will ask you to do in between our group meetings. 

What to expect:

To support collective understanding of sex and sexuality, sharing differnt experients and views and create new ones. 

Bringing awareness to your beliefs and definitions of what sex is, what your needs and desires are, what is it you may want and how do you achieve it. 

It is gentle journey for the group and for you, where you share and learn together, in a respectful, non-judgemental, compassionate and safe space.

Learn about yourself to discover more of who you are and how you feel in your body and how your beliefs may limit you.  

We will be exploring the topic of sexuality and identification gently and respectfully.

Step up and take action from amongst the hoards of people who, like you, know life has the potential to be more satisfying and loving, but don’t know where to start.

I am here to support you and guide you. If you are interested to join or you have any questions please get in touch. 

I look forward to hearing from you. 


There is no expectation or demand from you if you feel the answer is NO to any question or exercise, please listen to your truth. Your individual boundaries are absolutely respected.

Each person will individually sign a contract with me to be part of group and agree to respect confidentiality and follow the agreements of that contract.